Amazon Prime offer Login Router Admin Username Password

192.168.l00.1 Admin Login Router and Modem Default Login IP address is a popular default IP address used by many leading brands such as Arris, Spectrum, and others. Default Gateway 192.168.l00.1 IP address used by TP-link, Netgear, Arris, Huawei, and many other brands. Login 192.168.1OO.1 default IP address secured with username and password that is usually different for each brand and printed to router sticker.

If you have an Arris modem, Motorola, or any other router with a default login IP address of 192.168.100.l and looking to access router settings. You can log in modem IP 192.168,100.1  from a mobile, desktop, or laptop if it supports wireless and wired interfaces. The default username and password for 192.168.l00.1 IP address different for each brand router and model number that also printed to router sticker. Find the default username and password along with router model number, Mac address, serial number, and other information available on the router sticker.

The default username and password for

The default username and password for the modem and Wireless router are available on the router label as well as the quick user manual included with the device during first-time setup.

Username Password
admin admin
admin  password
admin 1234
root root
user user
admin motorola

To access the modem web interface a wired or wireless connection is required depending on whether the device support Wireless or cable modem without WLAN.

Login Router or Cable modem from the Web browser

To login modem with the default login IP address 192.168 100.1 Modem connection is required from a mobile, laptop, or desktop using a wired or wired physical connection from Ethernet port.

  • Connect the Cable modem or Wireless router to Power using a DC adapter as a supported device.
  • Use a LAN cable to connect from the router LAN port to the PC LAN port.
  • Connect the SSID network name and use the default WIFI key printed to the sticker for wireless connections.
  • open the web browser and access from the URL bar and wait until the router login page is loading.
  • Provide default username and password as printed to router sticker or use admin login password if you changed during first-time login.
  • htlp://
  • After logging into device settings from the browser, you can access all network, wireless, security, management, and other system settings.
  • You need to configure WAN settings as per internet type If want to set up the router the first time and update the wireless SSID and security key to make it secure.

Apart from login into the router using the IP address if you facing any problem while trying to access the router web interface from the browser seems configuration changed or network misconfigurations or any other network glitch. Follow the steps to troubleshoot not working for the modem.’

How to Fix IP address not working?

IP address taking to a long time to respond or getting invalid IP address error leads to an error page usually comes if the configuration changed already or the network configuration mismatching. Every modem and router is configured with a unique default login IP address that might same for each brand but if the desktop is in a different network then you need to configure the laptop IP to the same series. Follow the below steps.

  • Make sure you are using a power adapter as the supported router. Avoid using different routers to damage the modem.
  • If using a Wireless connection to access settings make sure connected to the same modem WIFI network you want to access.
  • If you are using a wired connection, make sure you are using a standard working LAN cable and it is connected to a LAN port instead of a WAN port.
  • Make sure the default IP 192.168.1000.1 has already not changed with a different IP address.
  • Use proper IP address ie. or instead of using the wrong IP address such as 192.268 100.1,192.168 100.1 1,htlp://,http 192.168 100.1, all IP address will be redirected to error page.
  • If you are able to access the router login page and can’t access it because forget the admin password or the wrong password or username then you can make a modem factory reset.
  • Press the reset button to restore the configuration to default mode.


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