Amazon Prime offer Login Router Default Username and Password Default Login Username and Password C class private IP address used as the default gateway IP address for default login router that preconfigured in factory mode. IP address a unique IP address from IP series ZTE and a few other brands use default login IP address to configured the router and modem in default mode. Any router with default login IP address login method same as router use login method for as both IP address from the same series. IP address also needs a default username and password to access modem or wireless router settings. The first way is to check your router sticker to get the login IP address, username, and password to log in to your router. Apart from most of routers also use some popular default IP addresses such as,, and many others. Follow the steps to login router using the default IP address that is preconfigured in default mode and you want to login router settings.

Default login username and password

The default username and password with router model number and other router details with the default IP address. However, the default login username and password are given below.

Username Password
admin admin
admin 1234
admin password
admin NA
root root

After the check of default router settings, details now follow the steps to connect and log in to the router using the default IP address

Router Connection and Login from Browser

You are required to connect the router either using wired or wireless using the default SSID and password printed to the router sticker. If your modem does not support WLAN then use a LAN cable from the Ethernet port.

  • Turn on your modem router using a DC adapter as a supported router.
  • Connect wifi router using WiFi or LAN cable from LAN port of a router for physical connections.
  • Open LAN settings in the computer and make sure TCP/IPv4 is in DHCP mode or use Static IP-
  • Open a web browser and access to the URL bar and wait to load the router login page.
  • Provide default username and password as supported by router default settings printed to sticker or use password if you already changed.
  • Admin Login
  • After successful authentication, you will access the router’s settings menu.
  • For first-time router configuration setup WAN settings, Wireless settings, and other security features such as mac access list, content filtering, and other security features. Admin Login Router

Change Wireless SSID and Password

Updating default wireless settings is very important to secure your wifi internet from unknown access.

Simply go to the wireless settings menu and change the default wireless SSID and password with a new SSID and password.

Go to Wireless – Basic Settings

WiFI SSID Network Name – Change WiFi SSID name as per your choice new SSID name.

WiFi Channel– auto

Bandwidth– 20/40

Wireless Security Key – WPA2-PSK/WPA-PSK

Passphasres- create a new wifi password mix with Alfa numeric and special characters.

Save settings and connect again with the new WiFi name and password after updating settings.

If you are unable to access the router using the default IP address, or the IP address not working while accessing from the browser seems the IP address already changed with the new IP address or there is some network problems. If you are able to access but get the wrong password and username error might require a router to factory reset using the reset button. Follow the steps to reset the router to restore into default mode.

Factory reset Router using the Reset button

  • Power ON router using DC adapter.
  • Find a reset button beside the Ethernet port in the router or may location different for each router brand.
  • Press and hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds until the router reboot started.
  • The router led will automatically turn off and turn on and the router will reboot automatically.
  • This process takes 3-4 minutes until restoring into default mode.
  • Ping to confirm router reset to default mode.
  • Login again router using the above steps and setup again from starting.

Avoid typing wrong IP addresses such as www., http// and other wrong IP addresses that lead to errors.


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