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Dlinkrouter Admin Login Guide-

Dlinkrouter Complete Login Guide

The Dlinkrouter is a popular home router used for broadband internet connection for last mile connectivity over ethernet cable and DSL over a telephone line. DLink router needs to setup for first-time installation of new internet connections. Dlinkrouter configured in default settings for first-time configuration and default login settings also printed to router sticker. It is important to change your wireless name and security key timely to update your network with the latest password.

You need to access the D-Link router to change wireless settings and enable other security options to addon more security layers. The default login IP address for Dlinkrouter is and the same is available on the router sticker with username and password. If you have a DLinkDSL modem or DSL router then the IP address might be so find your D-link router login details printed on to sticker.

You need to connect Dlink wireless router either a wired LAN cable or wireless for Dlink router login from a mobile, laptop, or PC browser. You can find the default Dlink login IP address and default wireless Password printed on the router sticker.

The default username and password for D Link Login

You need a default username password to access the D Link Wireless router, DSL Modem, or VDSL modem to access and set up a wireless router for your broadband connection or update any wireless name and password.

Default Dlink IP address192.168.0.1  or Dlinkrouter.local./admin

The default username and passwordadmin / 1234 or admin/ no password

Find d link router password, username, IP address, and other information printed on the router sticker at the bottom side. You will also find the router model number to get the firmware from the official website to upgrade the router.

Login DLINKROUTER from the Web browser

Once you get login details for the Dlink router and modems, now next step is to connect the router using a wired or wireless to access settings from the web browser.

Once you login into Dlink router first you have to set up WAN settings as per your internet provider. Get details from your internet provers such as static IP, PPPoE username, and password as your internet type support. To change default wireless settings and security key for Dlink DIR600m or other routers follow the steps below.

Change Wireless SSID Network Name and Password

To change Wireless SSID and password you have to access wireless settings from the router control panel. So if you login into the myDlink router page with administration rights user just follows the below steps.

Go to the Wireless tab from the top menu. Or you can use the Wizard option if you are not well technically skilled.

Wireless- Basic Wireless

Wireless Networks

Wireless SSID – Dlinkwifiname (create a new wifi name here for your D link router)

Channel– Auto

Channel Width– Auto.

Security Options – WPA2-PSK-AES

Security Options- WPA2-PSK

PReshared key- DLINK wifi password (create a new wifi password for your DLink network)

Apply button to confirm configuration and you may disconnect from WIFI if using a wireless connection to login D_link router settings page.

If you facing any trouble while trying to access Dlink router page or you feel the DLink login IP address not working or unable to access the router login page. Read the troubleshooting part to fix the issue.

DLinkRouter Troubleshooting

Dlink router IP not working, Wrong username or password, invalid login IP address or site can’t be reached. If you are facing any of the issues while trying to access Dlink wireless login page just follow the below steps to fix them.

Dlink Router IP Address 192.168.0.l not working

The first thing to notice when your router’s IP address not working is using the right IP address or typing the wrong IP address. Network connection proper or any missed network configurations. Follow the steps to fix Dlinkrouter login IP 19216801 not working. Login Router Default Username and Password

Wrong Username or Password

If you are able to access the login page but can not log in because of an invalid username or password error. Follow the below steps to fix it.

Final Words

Simple user guide to access dlinkrouter from a mobile, laptop, or computer to setup the first time as well as change wireless and other settings. You can follow the above steps to set up a new myDLink router or want to change your wireless name and password to secure your wifi connection as well. if you are unable to find router settings and default login settings just check the router model and get the Dlink router manual from the official website for the same model number.


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