Amazon Prime offer Login Netgear WiFi Router | Login Netgear WiFi Router

Netgear one of the popular and best WiFi router range distributed and loved worldwide. Netgear’s most reliable trusted home Router with many a small classic and long-lasting product with an attractive price range. is a default login URL used in Netgear router to access and setup without using an IP address. Netgear router use and default Login IP addresses with different models.

You can use either or to setup Netgear wireless router without an IP address. If you have Net gear nighthawk c7000, Nighthawk AC1200 or any other Netgear modem or router using Netgear default login URL. You need a login username and password to access the router using routerlogin URL or default IP address.

Default Username and Password for Netgear RouterLogin

There are many ways to access Netgear Modem, WiFI router, and Range extender devices. default login credentials are also printed to the router, modem, and extender device sticker, and a quick user manual is included with the box.

Default Login URLs–,

Login with default IP– and

However, you can also find login details from the official network support website as per your router models.

You need either a wired connection or wireless connection to access your Netgear router using URL or IP address that is usually printed on the router sticker.

Steps to Login Router with Routerlogincom

You need to connect a wireless router, ADSL modem, or range extender using a wired LAN cable from an Ethernet port using Default SSID to access the web interface. Most routers support multiple Ethernet ports and WAN ports so you can use a LAN port to log in to the router using a web browser.

  • Connect Wifi Router to LAN port from computer/Laptop for wired connection and use wifi name to connect from mobile.
  • Turn on the router with the DC adapter that comes with the box.
  • Connect Internet cable coming from internet service provider to Netgear router WAN port, for DSL /VDSL modem rj11 phone line to RJ11 port.
  • Go to Computer TCP/LAN IP settings and make sure it’s in DHCP mode (auto obtain an IP Address).

You can also use the Manual static IP address for default IP and for default login IP or simply use login URL routerlogin net.

Once connection steps are completed now proceed to the login router using the web URL or default gateway IP address.

Login Router to the Web browser using Routelogin-net

Open web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera) and access router.login URL or or access using IP address or  depends on the Netgear model.

Provide login username and password as printed to router sticker and QIG comes with box.

routerlogin refused to connect

After login, you get a full Netgear genie or Netgear smart wizard control panel where you can change your WiFI SSID name, and WIFI password, enable the MAC access list, block the website, and many other security features that make your network more secure.

Change Wireless SSID and Password

If you have a Netgear nighthawk dual-band wireless router or Single band N300 wireless or you may use Netgear DSL modem with wifi all of you need to change the default Wi-Fi name and password to secure your internet from unauthorized access.

Go to Setup- Wireless Settings option.

Wireless settings

Wireless Network

Name (11N SSID)- Change WIFI name to 5GHz.

Name (11G SSID)- change wifi name for 2.4Ghz.

Security Options


Wi-Fi key (password) – create a WIFI password for the 5GHz 2.4Ghz band.

Press Apply button to save settings and connect your all Wi-Fi device with a new Wi-Fi name and password.

Change Admin Login Password

Login Password change is also highly recommended to secure router settings access.

Go to Administrator- Set Password

Old Password– password or admin (use admin password as printed to your router.)

Set Password– Create a new login password here

Confirm Password– Provide a new password again to confirm.

Netgear Routerlogin Troubleshooting

You may be getting errors while accessing routerlogin .net or router login .com or using a Login IP address that might not work for you or taking a too long time to respond need to troubleshoot network miss-configuration.

Login URL or IP Address Not Working

If you are getting an error site can’t reach or taking a too long time to respond while trying to access or IP address to access router. There are many possibilities to log in URL not work and redirect to the error page. Follow the steps to fix routerlogin refused to connect.

  • Make sure you are connected to the LAN port of the router.  Don’t use the WAN port to log in to Netgear.
  • Netgear URL login so it will not work with any other brand router.
  • Check if Computer/Laptop TCP/IPv4 LAN ip address is not configured with different series. Change IP settings to DHCP mode (auto obtain IP address).
  • Use Login URL in proper format EXP- is correct but, routerlogin/net, http// all invalid URLs will return to the error page.

If you forget the login username and password after changing during the first time login then you can factory reset the Netgear router to restore settings to default mode.

How to Factory reset Netgear Router Login settings

Making a reset is not a good practice if you don’t have the configuration back and don’t have internet settings. Only use the reset option if you have configuration backup or you really need it to make your internet run. If your router already working then only use the reset option if you have configuration settings detail to re-configure the router.

  • Turn on the router with a DC adapter and wait to boot.
  • Locate a small reset button beside Ethernet ports at the backside.
  • Use a paper clip or needle to press and hold the reset button for about seven seconds and then release the button.
  • The router will reboot and take a few seconds to restore into factory default mode.

routerlogin reset

Note: this reset methods not work on DGN2000 or DG834Gv5 routers.

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