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Tenda W15E AC1200 Wireless Hotspot Router Login and Setup

Tenda W15E Hotspot Router Login and Setup

Tenda W15E and Tenda W18E both are Hotspot routers with dual-band wireless to manage your wifi user as well as use multiple internet connections for load balance. Tenda W15E hotspot router with dual WAN option to use two internet lines at the same time work as failover and backup internet line to avoid any downtime. Tenda hotspot router is a low-cost multi ethernet with dual-band Ac1200 for inbuilt WIFI + bandwidth management.

Login Tenda W15e AC1200 hotspot router needs to be set up for an internet line and two internet connections are required to enable load balance and failover feature. Tenda w18e and Tenda w15e give you 1 fix WAN port and 2 LAN and WAN changeable as well as 1 fixed LAN port for wired connections. You can access Tenda W15E multi-wan bandwidth management hotspot router using a LAN port or Wireless default SSID.

To setup Tenda W18E first time use a LAN cable to configure WAN1 and Wan2 for two internet lines. Use the main high-speed internet line as primary (WAN1) and low-speed internet secondary (WAN2) for backup internet connection if WAN-1 goes down. Follow the complete user manual to set up Tenda W15E and Tenda 18E bandwidth management Hotspot router.

Tenda Hotspot router Default Login IP, Usernames Password

Tenda default login for hotspot router printed to router sticker as well as quick user guide comes with box. Tenda Hotspot router can access using the default IP address as well as URL after connecting to a wired connection from a computer or laptop.

Default Login IP address–   Default Login URL–

Tenda W15e/W18E username and Password– admin

Get login credentials for your Tenda hotspot router available on your sticker and follow the next steps to access settings.

Login Tenda W15E Hotspot Router

Login into the hotspot router using the default login URL and IP address needed to physical or wireless connection with the router from a computer or Laptop. Use a LAN cable to connect from the LAN port or default WIFI name for wifi connection. Follow the steps to connect to the Tenda W15E ac1200 wireless router.

  • Unbox the Tenda W15E hotspot router and connect with the DC adapter included in the box.
  • Connect PC/Laptop to LAN 4 using a LAN cable for configuration.
  • Use the Main internet line to WAN 1 which is fix WAN port.
  • Connect the backup internet line to WAN/LAN 2. If have more than 2 internet lines can use WAN/Lan 3 for additional internet lines as a backup.
  • Open the web browser and access or URL- to login to router settings.
  • Use the default login password and username as printed on the sticker or for the first time create a new login password.
  • Once you access router settings configure WAN settings first.

W15E-How to setup Internet-Tenda

To enable a backup internet line and load balance you need two internet lines for WAN1 and WAN2 to auto switch one main internet goes down. If you have two lines you can follow the steps to enable load balance in the Tenda hotspot router else configure it as a normal internet router with wireless settings.

Configure Two Internet Lines in Tenda Hotspot Router

You can set up 3 internet lines with Tenda W15E and W18E, and a Tenda W20E hotspot router to enable a load balance as well as a backup internet line to avoid downtime.

You need two internet lines with internet WAN settings to configure in Tenda WAN settings.

Go to Internet settings- WAN

WAN Port – 2 or 3 (choose the WAN you want to use. If want to use 3 internet lines use 3  for 2 internet use 2Wan)

After selection, the WAN port goes to WAN 1 for configuration.

Tenda W15E AC1200 Wireless Hotspot Router Installation

WAN1 Connection Type– choose from PPPoE, Static IP, and DHCP as your main internet support and get detail from ISP.

After saving settings configure WAN 2

WAN2- Connection Type- PPPoE/STATIC IP /DHCP

Provide details as per internet type and save settings.

You can check the connection status connected once WAN is configured.

After WAN configuration go to wireless settings to change Wireless Default SSID and password to secure your internet.

Change Wireless Name and password

There is no WiFI password set for Tenda hotspot router in default mode so it’s important to enable security and create a wifi password. As Tenda AC1200 hotspot router support dual band so you can either use the same Wi-Fi name for both band 2.4GHz and 5Ghz as well as can use different ones for each.

Go to Wireless settings

Enable Wifi networks–  ON

Unify 2.4&5 GHz SSID:  ON it if you want to use the same WIFI name and password for both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. If you want to use a different name and password turn off the button.

2.4Ghz SSID network– WIFI2GHZ

WiFI password– WIFIpassword24G

5GHz SSID network– 5GHWIFI-name

WiFI password- 5GHZwifipassword.

Configure both SSID if you want to use different WIFI names for each network and save application settings.

Once the Internet and wireless configuration are done your Tenda hotspot router is ready to use and you can enjoy the internet through your new router.

Apart from bandwidth load balance you can setup bandwidth limits for users, enable firewall features to block any website and port fording, and other advanced security options to add extra security features.


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